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September 30, 2023

Christ's Mysterious Body after Resurrection

Luke 24:36 And as they were speaking these things, He Himself stood in their midst and said to them, Peace to you. (37) But they were terrified and became frightened and thought they beheld a spirit. (38) And He said to them, Why are you troubled, and why do doubts arise in your heart? (39) See My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself. Touch Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you behold Me having. (40) And when He had said this, He showed them His hands and His feet. (41) And while they still did not believe for joy and were marveling, He said to them, Do you have anything here to eat? (42) And they handed Him a piece of broiled fish; (43) And He took it and ate before them.

The disciples, including Peter, were troubled by the Man- Savior's appearing. They could not understand how He could suddenly appear in the room. The door was closed, and no one opened it. Nevertheless, the Lord appeared with a physical body. The Lord Jesus said to the disciples, "Why are you troubled, and why are reasonings arising in your heart? See My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself; handle Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you behold Me having" (vv. 38-39). Then He showed them His hands and feet. Here we see the Man-Savior's resurrected body, which is spiritual (1 Cor. 15:44) and a body of glory (Phil. 3:21). The Lord's appearing was very mysterious, and we cannot understand it fully. He came into the room as the Spirit, yet with a physical, touchable body. The prints of the nails could still be seen. The place in His side that had been pierced with a spear could still be seen and touched. Not only was the Lord's body visible and touchable, but He was able to eat food. "And while they still did not believe for joy and were marveling, He said to them, Do you have anything to eat here? And they handed Him part of a broiled fish; and He took it and ate before them" (vv. 41-43). We do not understand how the Lord Jesus as One with a spiritual body was still able to eat material food.

Bible verses are taken from the Recovery Version of the Bible and Words of Ministry from Witness Lee, Life-study of Luke, pp. 475-476. Both are published by Living Stream Ministry, Anaheim, CA. Please visit us at www.emanna.com. Send comments to: [email protected].

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Life-study of Luke