Rom 3:4 "That You [God] may be declared righteous in Your words and may overcome when You are judged." (25) Whom [Jesus Christ] God set forth as a propitiation place… (26) that He might be righteous and the One who justifies him who is of the faith of Jesus.
Although I recognized that I was a sinner, I did not follow God blindly. I tried my best to verify His words. Eventually, I fully approved God as being right. Do not be afraid to study about God and investigate Him a little to see whether He is right. If you investigate Him, you will find that He is one thousand percent, even one million percent right. You will justify God. According to our experience, it was not God who firstly approved us, but we who approved God. We were rebellious and said, "I don't like God. God is not right." Many people speak against God saying, "If God is right, why are there so many poor people on the earth? If God is right, why is there no justice among the nations?" They admit that there is God, but claim that He is not righteous. Many of us can testify the same thing, confessing that we thought God was wrong, that He was not righteous. However, God has been patient with us, doing many things for us until He finally convinced us of His righteousness. When we were convinced by God of His righteousness, we justified Him and wept in repentance, saying, "God, forgive me. I'm so sinful and unclean. I need Your forgiveness." When we called on the name of the Lord Jesus, we not only were put into Christ but upon Christ. Now we are upon Christ as our propitiation place where God and we can justify one another. We declare, "God, You are righteous. I have no problem with You." Then God replies, "Dear child, I have no problem with you either."
Bible verses are taken from the Recovery Version of the Bible and Words of Ministry from Witness Lee. Life-study of Romans, pp. 60-61. Both are published by Living Stream Ministry, Anaheim, CA. Please visit us at Send comments to: [email protected].
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